Hello, my name is Genadi and I like building stuff. Be it software development or
electronic music, I dive into everything that makes me excited.
<3 Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Linux & Git.
Software Engineer, Software Society [09.2013, ...]
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Puppet, JavaScript, Git
- Automated and scaled the infrastructure of fidor.de.
- Reworked and optimized core banking processes of fidor.de.
- Implemented various feature requests for fidor.de.
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Git
MTS, VMware [10.2011, 11.2013]
Python, Django, JavaScript, Backbone, Puppet, Perforce, Git
- Developed Django testing framework, creating testing databases for multi-db applications.
- Developed internal status dashboard, monitoring the health of the Release Engineering services.
- Worked with different groups for the development of health checks for their infrastructure.
- Improved the performance of the Release Engineering infrastructure charts generation.
- Improved the performance of the dynamic build machines provisioning.
Software Engineer, Melon [03.2011, 09.2011]
Python, ASP, VisualBasic Script, .NET, Subversion
- Developed high-level black-box testing framework in Python and C++ for Cyberarts.
- Supported a legacy code base built on Classic ASP with VisualBasic Script for Restaurant Guide.
Intern MTS, VMware [07.2010, 01.2011]
Python, Django, Suds, P4Python, PySVN, Perforce
- Developed image recording frontend to generate CD releases for customers.
- Developed a Python API binding for RImage robotic machines web services.
- Developed a dynamic changelog giving the changes between two product builds.
Software Engineer, N-Team [09.2009, 06.2010]
Python, Django, wxPython, PyGame
- Developed a windows installer for an in house project with Python and WIX.
- Developed fiscal printer communication software in Python for Cashterminal.
- Developed communication software for Vivacom, the first partner for Cashterminal.
- Increased the front end performance for Cashterminal, by developing a caching system.
- Refactored all of the frontend code for Cashterminal.
Open Source
I love open source software and give back to it as much as I can. I have contributed to
Backbone, Ruby on Rails, Underscore and Puppet among others.
Besides my contributions, I have some open source projects of my own:
Web Console Rails Console on the Browser
- Web Console runs
rails console
in a full-featured terminal emulator in the browser.
CHIP-8 Simple CHIP-8 Interpreter
- CHIP-8 interpreter in C, supporting multiple rendering backends.
Backbone Coffee Rewrite of Backbone in CoffeeScript
- Cheeky rewrite of Backbone into CoffeeScript.
Pygmentize Me Your friendly highlighting service
- Simple highlighting web service built in plush with bindings for node.js and ruby.
Plush Python's most fluffy web framework
- Asynchronous micro web framework with a simple, DSL-like interface.
Moodswing Node.js testing framework for that time of the software development cycle
For full listing, checkout my github profile.
Masters of Software Technologies, Sofia University [10.2012, ...]
Bachelor of Software Engineering, Sofia University [10.2008, 07.2012]